to Prepare a Composite Photo with ArcMap 8.3
1. Scan photos at 600dpi. Make sure you remove all the dust. Save as tif. 2. Start ArcMap and bring in georeferenced DRG (topo). Change projection if needed. 3. Add photos one at a time, georeference using georeference toolbar. Use dropdown to select the layer you wish to georeference, click the Add Control Points icon, select point on photo then right click on topo filename and zoom to layer. Continue 3-5 times then use Georefencing dropdown and select Update Georeferencing which will create a world file. 4. After all photos are done you can georefence them again to align the seams. 5. Deselect all points. Stay in data view and zoom to where you can just view the entire composite image. Export map, select jpeg, click options and select best quality and 1500dpi which is the max my computer could do with the available RAM. How to Add an Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) to ArcMap 8.3 1. Use ArcView 3.3 and the free NOAA Data Handler extension. It's written in Avenue so it only works with 3.x. 2. On toolbar click convert enc to shapefile and follow wizard. 3. If you wish to use NAD27 it's best to use the SAFE FME Universal Translator and replace the Soundings dbf with the one from the NOAA Data Handler because it's missing the depth field. If you use NAD83 you can use the Data Handler shapefiles. 4. Bring shapefiles into ArcMap 8.3 because it's much more powerful and displays the nautical chart better. 5. Add all layers and figure out which layers to keep. Delete the rest. 6. Change symbols and colors. Use nautical symbols found under Military Transportation category. It's best to use transparent for polygons so you can see through the layers. 7. Add soundings labels and use label expression: abs(int([depth]* 0.546806649)) and position center. Put text labels over the symbol then change the symbol color and border to no color (transparent). This will leave only the soundings in fathoms. 8. Use the same technique for land elevations. Use label expression: int([ELEVAT]* 3.2808399) |