To me, Montague Island has always been a far-away, mysterious, and fabled land of big bucks, plentiful salmon, and record sized halibut. I would often study charts dreaming of a day I would make the 75 mile journey across Prince William Sound. Together with three of my best friends Brad Somers, Jon Bartlett, and Dan Beeler, we decided to make our dream come true. You can view our route to Montague Island by clicking on this chart after this page fully loads. Blue represents our voyage and red marks the return trip. Since we needed allot of gear we decided to use two boats. This is our second boat, a 20ft Olympic fully loaded at the Whittier small boat harbor. We had great weather going out. Sunny and no wind. Here we are cruising in Passage Canal. I took this photo from my boat. After more than three hours on the water we came upon a large pod of Orcas. They swam right though us undisturbed. What an incredible experience! We turned off our engines and watched them go by. There was another boat watching the whales. This one belongs to my good friend Gerry Sanger of Sound Eco Adventures. I didn't realize it was him until I got my film developed. Gerry said the Orcas went right under his boat. Daryl from D&M Photo was on board and got some great pics.