A Visit With Norman and Carolyn Vaughan
April 2001

Some of my friends and I spent a weekend at Gates Creek Cabins near
Trappers Creek, Alaska. The weather was beautiful and the snow was
still about 4-5 ft deep. Here we are posing in front of
Denali. I'm in the left photo and my friends Ron, Sunny, Cathy,
and Eric are on the right.

Ron is good friends with Norman and Carolyn Vaughan so they invited
us out to their cabin. I had the only snowmachine so only Ron and
I were able to reach their cabin. It's about 5 miles from the
nearest plowed road.

They have a beautiful single room log cabin. It looks like it
came straight out of a Jack London novel.

Norman Vaughan has always been a hero of mine. I read his book
"My Life of Adventure." years ago but never dreamed I would
get a chance to visit with him for an hour in his home. What a
great experience it was. He is a great story teller as you can see
here. I listened carefully as he recalled this years Serum Run
trip he made from Nenana to Nome by snowmachine and dogsled. Not
bad for being 95 years young!

Here you can see some ski skins hangin up that are made of real seal
skin. The snowshoes on the right are used for gathering wood
because he can easily maneuver. The poster above Ron is of Joe
Reddington, Father of the Iditarod and good friend of Normans.
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