Lake Creek, July 11-18, 2004

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My father and I decided to float Lake Creek this year. We were going to float the Talachulitna but the water was too low. Because of this we only had a couple hours to research the river. Here is a photo of the river on the flight to the put-in.


Lake Creek is located just south of Denali. The patches of tundra, small lakes, and forest with Denali as the backdrop make for enchanting scenery. The weather was like this the whole week.


Alaska Air Taxi dropped us off at Chelatna Lake in a Cessna 206.


After inflating and loading our raft we started down the river.


Chelatna has a few houses and fishing lodges.


It didn't take long before we started catching grayling on dry flies.


Soon after the rainbows started showing up. I was impressed with their size.

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